Life, The Universe, and Everything 42
On February 15th, I will be attending Life, the Universe, and Everything: The Marion K. “Doc” Smith Symposium on Science Fiction and Fantasy, which will be held at the Marriott Hotel in Provo, Utah. I will be participating in three panels/presentations:
(1) Defining and Applying Gesture in Your Art, 11:00 am (Room: Oak), (2) Is A.I. Changing the Way We Edit? 3:00 pm (Room: Cedar), and (3) Come See What I Hear: A Confluence of Art and Music (featuring new art by Kevin Wasden and new songs by Kira Gatiuan), 5:00 pm, (Room: Cedar).
I'm excited about meeting fellow artists and writers, and I can't wait to host Come See What I Hear with singer/songwriter Kira Gatiuan. If you're not familiar with it, Come See What I Hear is an ongoing project where Kira and I collaborate to create music and art inspired by each other's work. I will be displaying new artwork and talking about the creative process, and Kira will be performing four new songs live at the symposium. The first song, "Hope Stay," inspired by my painting, "Long Journey in a Small Boat," can be heard now on Spotify and Youtube Music.
The symposium is always great, and I hope to see many of you there.
Schedule and Info: